

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

This is a holder for the place where we will be moving the more formal bits of this process. Right now these place holders are empty.


Introduction: Purpose and History


Here we will explain:


  • Why we are writing a vision at all
  • What the history of this group is
  • What the larger purpose is of the document


Current Trends in Learning and Teaching Technology


This will be a survey of recent trends in Learning and Teaching Technology.


Relation of Learning and Teaching Technology to Keene State Goals


This is where we fit our campus goals to Learning and Teaching Tech. goals.


Vision Statement


A statement summarizing much of the above. The statement is meant to be about the focus and aims of AT in relation to the College as a whole.


Vision: Wilco Version 




Conclusion and Next Steps


What are we going to do next?

Who approves this?


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