Relation to Keene State College Goals

(Goals taken from Campus Planning Web Page.)


1. To significantly enhance and become recognized for the quality of our academic programs and the academic achievements of our faculty and students.




2. Three very important curricular initiatives, the move to a four-credit curriculum, the new general education program, and the service-learning initiative, will support this goal; the faculty is already fully engaged in these efforts.




3. To clearly and continuously communicate our mission and values in all that we undertake, and to foster a strong sense of community on campus in pursuit of academic excellence.




4. To invest in faculty and staff so they can provide leadership for the College's transformation.



5. To actively engage our students in a learning process that is grounded in service, citizenship, and ethical awareness.



6. To provide high-quality academic programs that are affordable and accessible to a wide range of learners.



Our core values are strong

*Excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship.

*Service to the community and civic engagement that support active learning and the common good.

*A strong sense of community on campus.

*Diversity on our campus and in our curricula.

*Civility and respect for diverse viewpoints and contributions to campus life.