
Conclusion and Next Steps:  Peyroux version

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago


Conclusion and Next Steps





Inviting the world to view and contribute to the development of this draft has resulted in a vibrant and energized process for creation of a dynamic draft, while modeling the kind of interactive learning practices desired in our vision for the Academic Technology Strategic Plan.  There were no additional funds expended to incorporate a new methodology in the creation of this plan, just the charge from the Provost to look forward.  Sometimes it is through the invitation and the joining together of parties from not only Academic Affairs, but also drafting talent from Information Technology and College Relations that allow a new paradigm to emerge, reflecting past best practices, current ideas, but most importantly looking forward.   Sincere appreciation is expressed toward the President, Provost, CIO, and Director of College Relations for having the vision to create the Academic Technology leadership team. 


Next Steps:


Although the world has been invited to review, contribute and comment on this document during this drafting phase, it will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Council in early November.  Officially it next moves to the Academic Technology Steering Committee (ATSC).  As a policy, it is within their charge to review, revise and bring the Academic Technology Strategic Plan forward to the campus.  This may be done by continuing to invite participation in the wiki, campus forums, department and/or school meetings or other venues as they deem appropriate.  After this vetting, ATSC will move the next version of the Academic Technology Strategic Plan forward for consideration by the College Information Technology Committee (CITC).  Upon their support, the plan finally moves to the Principal Administrators for adoption.


How the Plan will be Used:


This plan will be the building block upon which all academic technology issues and initiatives should stand.  Campus planning proposals, requests to CITC for funding, and curricular development initiatives involving academic technology should specifically reference the Academic Technology Strategic Plan and relate how their initiative supports and/or furthers this vision. 

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